Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Water for Weight Loss & Wellness

It is especially important in the summertime to stay hydrated. Warmer weather means more water lost through sweat, but air conditioning can also sap water through your body as air conditioned air is also dehumidified air. Drinking enough water can also help with weight loss.

What we think is hunger is often thirst. You may be able to reduce many calories each day by first drinking an 8 oz glass of water and waiting 15 minutes before eating. Of course we need to eat our meals at regular times as well. But if you find yourself hungry for a snack between meals, it could very well be that your body simply craves water.

Did you know that more hydration often leads to less bloating? Bloating is our body's natural response to dehydration. It's stockpiling water because it's afraid that it won't get more later. By hydrating regularly, you can often decrease bloating in your body. Of course, if you find yourself bloated often and are sufficiently hydrated, you should check your salt intake. To much salt in the body holds onto too much water in the body.

Drinking water may up calorie burning. A study in Obesity journal in 2008 found those that increased water consumption and didn't change diet or actuvity level dropped body weight and fat over one year. Why is this? My theory is that dehydration is a mild form of stress on the body, and a stressed body holds onto more weight as an insurance policy against times where outside conditions are unstable.

How much water is enough? People should not be waking up to use the restroom during the night. And, keep in mind our body can only absorb so much water at once. Sipping water 8 ounces at a time ensures enough processing time so your body can absorb the water you're providing for it. Drink excessive water means your Kidneys need to work extra in order to process the extra water. I usually recommend to my patients that they should drink enough to have urine that is not dark (except the first urine of the day), and that they should be urinating maybe 3-5 times during the day.

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal medicine can also be used to support weight loss goals. Together, they can reduce stress & cravings, and provide structure and support for you. More information is available at

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think the idea of drinking water instead of over-snacking is BRILLIANT!


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