In my office, my clients often ask me what kinds of things may be adding to the toxic load that their bodies are subject to. This is because, in addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, I also offer what is called an Ionic Detoxification Foot Spa. When people can ***see*** those toxins coming out of them, they want to know how those toxins are getting into them!
Have you heard that the air inside of the average home is more polluted than the air outside? This is usually attributed to the fact that many households use toxic chemicals for cleaning purposes. These chemicals leave residues and fumes in the air that we can absorb through our lungs and skin.
So consider this: What products are you using to clean that may be toxic? There are many natural ingredients that are better for your well being and will still maintain your home well. Mother Earth would also appreciate it if you choose products that are biodegradable. Natural cleansers are much more likely to be earth friendly than chemical cleaners. Using them also creates a healthier environment for your children and pets.
If you'd like more info about the Ionic Detoxificatoin Foot Spa, you can visit and look under "Services", "Ionic Detoxification"
I just found this cool blog with recipes for home cleaning!