However, sometimes it's too late. And I find that it's such a tragedy. If only these people had come in sooner, I could have used acupuncture to naturally stop their pain and suffering. I like to think of acupuncture as a first line of defense. My clients that are properly educated in the workings of acupuncture share this line of thinking.
Clients that are properly educated in acupuncture and Chinese medicine know that it is a very powerful medicine. It can be used to treat a myriad of symptoms, such as stopping pain, reducing inflammation, restoring range of motion, ending diarrhea, controlling acid reflux, and enhancing fertility, just to name a few. My patients know that by the time their body lets them know something is wrong through exhibiting a symptom - that is already deep into the pathology process.
Since I can tell how a body is doing inside by taking the pulse and looking at the tongue, I can often tell if health is going downhill before a client can. Some of this is may be due to the fact that Americans are not taught to pay attention to their bodies. We are unaware of what normal function should be, and so don't really think of anything as 'wrong' until something like a recurrent pain sign occurs.
Studies show that acupuncture is great for relieving pain and inflammation. I must add, it seems to work best when applied sooner to a problem. This is not to say that those with a stubborn problem should not seek acupuncture care. I have been able to completely eliminate pain that was present for over 10 years. I write as an encouragement to seek care sooner in the process rather than later. Why suffer needlessly for weeks, months or years? Most of my clients tell me that they were scared that acupuncture would hurt. But, after they thought about it enough, they decided that the pain that they were already experiencing was probably worse. After they try a session, they realize that my style of acupuncture is very gentle, and just about painless, and they are really glad they decided to try it out. Their fears were for nothing. So I hope that fear is not the great un-motivator that I am hearing that it may be out there.
I cannot speak for all acupuncturists, as I have worked hard to develop an extremely gentle insertion techinique. I have heard some stories of other acupuncturists who do not use a light touch. But I do know that in my office, about 95% of the time, the patient feels nothing but a light tap or pinch. They look forward to their soothing and relaxing sessions.
I have managed to win over a lot of people. Even I am surprised sometimes with their passion and dedication to the medicine. It is only another tribute to the strength and range that this medicine is capable of. And, most effectively experienced when applied as a first line of defense. More information on my acupuncture clinic is available at, for those that may be interested.
I have managed to win over a lot of people. Even I am surprised sometimes with their passion and dedication to the medicine. It is only another tribute to the strength and range that this medicine is capable of. And, most effectively experienced when applied as a first line of defense. More information on my acupuncture clinic is available at, for those that may be interested.
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