Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gray Hairs Begone!

Most people think of acupuncture as something for stopping pain. While this is true, that's not all that acupuncture can be used to help with! I find that most people I encounter suffer from sub-par digestion. What does this mean? Well, first of all it means that their bowel movements may not be regular or well-formed. Why is that a problem?

When bowel movements are not great, that indicates that digestion is not great. Most people don't consider that a big deal. But, there are often big changes when digestion is restored to greatness! For example, I have had multiple clients tell me that once their bowels regulated, that their hair dressers will comment on their gray hairs... disappearing!

How does one explain that? Well, I like to say to my patients that bad bowel movements indicate bad digestion. If your body can't pull all of the nutrients out of the food that you are eating, that can reflect itself in your body as premature aging. Since your body can't process food properly, it's in effect, malnourished, no matter what you are eating. That can lead to things like gray hairs showing up. I have seen this happen in my office often enough to want to spread the message - you may be able to look better if you poop better! And Chinese medicine can be used help to promote proper pooping. That's why one of my specialties as an acupuncturist is digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis, chronic loose stool, and constipation. For more info, visit and see "Conditions" Menu.

1 comment:

  1. What a revelation! It's hard to believe but also incredibly logical that if our elimination process isn't working, everything else might go kaplooey. Thanks, Dr. Pang!


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